The Rise of Hitler /Deutschland Erwache
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Reprint and translation of the original published in 1933 as a cigarette photo book , whilst leaving original German text, of the famous “Deutschland Erwache” photo book with an introduction by Baldur von Schirach. 176. Pages
The book covers every conceivable aspect of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party including major personalities, early meetings, the Beer Hall Putsch, electioneering, the Braunes Haus, fighting the Communists, the SA and SS, the Hitler Youth (HJ), BdM, Party Rallies, winning power in Germany, Hitler at the Berghof and at Mad Ludwig’s castle Neuschwanstein, etcPhotos include Hitler, Stabschef der SA Ernst Röhm, Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess, Reichsminister Hermann Göring, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, Julius Schreck, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Horst Wessel, Jakob Grimminger and the Blood Flag (Blutfahne), HJ Leader Baldur von Schirach and Julius Streicher in Nürnberg, the Italian Avantguardia, Ritter von Epp, all the Putsch martyrs, Stosstruppe Hitler, Hitler’s birth house in Braunau, the first office of the NSDAP, the first Reichsparteitag in Münich in 1923, Deutscher Tag in Nürnberg in 1923, rows of Deutschland Erwache standards, Reinhard Heydrich, SS-General Joseph “Sepp” Dietrich, the beginning of the Reichautobahn, etc., 176 pages.