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Welcome to the Third-Reich-Posters website where you will find an unrivalled selection of hard to find items.

The name is historical and goes back to when we solely sold posters relating to the Third Reich Era.

We have since developed way beyond this due to the expectations, needs and requests from our varied and worldwide customer base. The price of original period pieces is prohibitively expensive and the requirements for careful storage of them often mean they are unable to be displayed and that is where we are able to help with faithful reproductions or period pieces.

Our customer base includes, museums, military establishments, veterans, T.V prop departments, university libraries and private collectors who are looking for some extra context to add to their collection.

Our wide range of translated books gives the reader an insight into how and why the Third Reich was established and why things happened as they did.

Why do we sell Third Reich related items ? Well one major factor is that their is less competition. As sites such as Amazon and E Bay have banned such items from sale it has not lessened the demand for them and indeed it can be said by banning them they have made them more desirable and have created a larger cross section of interest in this specialist niche in the marketplace. The inability to purchase on these platforms has meant that people and institutions now come to us for these items. None of these items are intended, and nor do, they incite any form  of "hate" , "intolerance" or "violence". They are meant for academic and historical  study and if abused then that is due to the interpretation of the individual not the contents of the book. If you want to blame books and ban them from sale  then you had better start by banning the Tora, Koran and Bible all of whom have passages which could be said to incite hatred, misogyny, or intolerance in one form or another.

We do offer for sale a selection of Allied posters but as these are readily available elsewhere we do not see much demand for them, but we do still offer them for sale in the interests of diversity of opinion and balance. We did however have to stop selling the Churchill busts as in 5 years we sold 1 compared to over 100 comparable sized busts of Adolf Hitler, we do not stock what people do not wish to purchase.

We advance no political agenda other than freedom of thought and expression. If you dislike what we sell then feel free to take your business and political ideology, whether Red or Brown, elsewhere.

The history of, and leading up to, WW2 is forever and can not be denied. It is not yours, or ours, to erase, rewrite, tear down or deny !

The society we have today is the child of the past and it is what it is so act accordingly.

The Riddle of the Jews’ Success by Theodor Fritsch


5 in stock


Translated from the German (1922).

Jewish power derives from Jewish money.  But how do Jews become so wealthy?  What, exactly, is the secret to their remarkable success?  Around 100 years ago, a prominent German critic of the Jews, Theodor Fritsch, began to closely observe Jewish business practices and methods, with the aim of truly understanding how this foreigner on German land could manage to acquire so much wealth so quickly.  Himself a businessman, Fritsch had ample, first-hand experience dealing with Jews, and he came to develop a keen insight into their various manipulations, trickery, deceit, and immorality—the very things that led to their fabulous ‘success.’

Long out of print and conveniently forgotten by mainstream scholars, The Riddle of the Jews’ Success brings into sharp relief a whole range of nefarious Jewish practices, all of which have echoes down to the present.  It is truly astonishing how many current Jewish tactics have their roots in the much simpler life of early 20th century Germany.  Most striking of all, we obtain here a firm grasp on exactly how coarsened, how degraded, and how humiliating modern life has become, thanks to Jewish commerce.  Much of modern society has been dragged through the mud, and continues to be so, as a direct consequence of Jewish financial manipulations.

In a straightforward and clear manner, Theodor Fritsch provides us with many lessons for the modern day.  272 pages


    CHAPTER 1:  Jewish Methods in Economic Life


    Jews and Modern Capitalism

    The Hebrew Enhances the Circulation of Money

    The Hebrew Mobilizes Slumbering Values

    The Hebrew Presses his Predatory Culture

    Jewish Interest, Jewish Usury


    CHAPTER 2:  Particular Jewish Business Tactics 

    Securing an Advantage


    CHAPTER 3:  The International Connection and the Secret Hebrew League

    Playing into One Another’s Hands

    Hebrew Nomadism


    CHAPTER 4:  The Peculiar Morality of Jewry

    The Kol Nidre

    Judaism as a State

    ‘War Against All’


    CHAPTER 5:  Klatzkin’s Confession


    CHAPTER 6:  Toward an Explanation, with Sombart


    CHAPTER 7:  Jewish Successes in Modern Times    


    CHAPTER 8:  The Stock Exchange

    A Mania for Speculation

    On ‘Speculation Banks’


    CHAPTER 9:  Sound Methods are Forced Out by the Jews

    An Old Story

    Certain Jewish Tricks of the Trade

    Lowering the Standard of Production

    Deviating Mode of Thought


    CHAPTER 10:  Jewish Trade Specialties 

    Professional Bankruptcy


    CHAPTER 11:  Moral Principles in Trade  

    Deviation in the Trend of Jewish Life


    CHAPTER 12:  Hebrews as Supporters of Capitalism

    1. The Extensive Dispersion

    2. The “Foreignness” of the Hebrew

    3. Semi-Citizenship of the Jews

    4. Jewish Wealth


    CHAPTER 13:  Business and Religion

    Judaism versus Christianity

    The Separation or Shutting-off of the Jews


    CHAPTER 14:  The Race Problem

    In General

    The Psychology of the Jews

    Apparent Jewish Superiority


    CHAPTER 15:  Origin of the Jewish Entity

    Descent of the Jews

    Development of the Jews as a Commercial Nation

    Dispersion of the Jews over the Earth


    CHAPTER 16:  Influence of the Jew upon Womankind

    Assaults on Young Girls

    The Enchanter

    Spreading Sexual Disease

    Traffic in Girls


    CHAPTER 17:  The Jews and the World War


    CHAPTER 18:  Concluding Words


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