Includes the English translation to the famous
Horst Wesse “Die Fahne hoch!” on the inside front cover!
SS Schutzstaffel will come as a surprise to listeners convinced Adolf Hitler’s “Black Corps” was an entirely German affair. This latest CD goes a long way to show that the elite formations of the Third Reich sought to embody the National Socialist ethic of pan-European unity. This idea was articulated as long ago as the composition of Mein Kampf in 1924, but it was only with the author’s campaign against the Soviet Union seventeen years later that it truly blossomed into material reality. This CD is proof of that transformation from the Fűhrer’s written words to the colossal armies of volunteers his struggle attracted from every land in Europe.
Along with something as thoroughly German as the Revuemarsch des SS Regiments Deutschland is Hungary’s Isazegi March, C’est le Lutt Finale of the French SS, Norway’s Pa Vikingtog, the March of the 34th SS Netherlands Brigade, and Finland’s Aseveikko. There is even” Comrades, the Voices” of the British Free Corps attached to the SS-Freiwiligen Panzer Grenadier Nordland, whose English volunteers repulsed Soviet attacks at the Oder River in the last days of the war.
The rarity of these recordings has made them particularly valuable to collectors of period music and historians intent on capturing the militant atmosphere of the times. Although these selections were first released before the middle of the last century, their reproduction quality is extraordinarily high, and doubtless benefited from modern re-mastering on a compact disk.
In any case, World War Two re-enactors and researchers, music lovers, or anyone interested in the past will hear in these authentic recordings the dynamic spirit that once fused an entire continent into a single will.
- Volk ans Gewehr Choral 3:08
- Wenn die SS und die SA Choral 3:08
- Marsch der Freiwilligen 2:45
- Horst Wessel Lied Choral 0:55
- Ledarens Marsch Choral 3:06
- Kameradschaftgeist 2:53
- Aseveikko Choral-Finland 0:54
- Marsch der 34 SS Brigade Nederland-Netherland 3:29
- C’est la Lutte Finale Choral-France 3:08
- Reiht euch ein! 2:21
- Battaglioni della Morte Choral-Italy 3:00
- Isazegi Marsch Hungary 1:58
- Pa Vikingtog Choral-Norway 3:08
- Revue Marsh des SS Regiments Deutschland 2:53
- Comrades The Voices Choral-England 2:44
- Fahnen heraus! 3:00
- Schlesierland Choral 3:26
- Marsch der 25 SS Div Hunyadi Hungary 2:43
- Friedrich von Baden Marsch Inctrumental 3:17
- 12th SS Div portpouri Morge, marschieren; Wir zogen in das Feld; Uns’re Fahne flattert uns voran Choral 3:07
- Unser Garde 3:12
- SS marschiert in Feindesland Choral 3:19
- O Deutschland hoch in Ehren Choral 3:23
- Sieg heil, Viktoria! Choral 3:21
- Grossdeutsche Grenadiere Choral 2:46
- SS Reichsfuehrer Himmler June 1933 & Wenn alle untreu warden Choral 3:15