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Welcome to the Third-Reich-Posters website where you will find an unrivalled selection of hard to find items.

The name is historical and goes back to when we solely sold posters relating to the Third Reich Era.

We have since developed way beyond this due to the expectations, needs and requests from our varied and worldwide customer base. The price of original period pieces is prohibitively expensive and the requirements for careful storage of them often mean they are unable to be displayed and that is where we are able to help with faithful reproductions or period pieces.

Our customer base includes, museums, military establishments, veterans, T.V prop departments, university libraries and private collectors who are looking for some extra context to add to their collection.

Our wide range of translated books gives the reader an insight into how and why the Third Reich was established and why things happened as they did.

Why do we sell Third Reich related items ? Well one major factor is that their is less competition. As sites such as Amazon and E Bay have banned such items from sale it has not lessened the demand for them and indeed it can be said by banning them they have made them more desirable and have created a larger cross section of interest in this specialist niche in the marketplace. The inability to purchase on these platforms has meant that people and institutions now come to us for these items. None of these items are intended, and nor do, they incite any form  of "hate" , "intolerance" or "violence". They are meant for academic and historical  study and if abused then that is due to the interpretation of the individual not the contents of the book. If you want to blame books and ban them from sale  then you had better start by banning the Tora, Koran and Bible all of whom have passages which could be said to incite hatred, misogyny, or intolerance in one form or another.

We do offer for sale a selection of Allied posters but as these are readily available elsewhere we do not see much demand for them, but we do still offer them for sale in the interests of diversity of opinion and balance. We did however have to stop selling the Churchill busts as in 5 years we sold 1 compared to over 100 comparable sized busts of Adolf Hitler, we do not stock what people do not wish to purchase.

We advance no political agenda other than freedom of thought and expression. If you dislike what we sell then feel free to take your business and political ideology, whether Red or Brown, elsewhere.

The history of, and leading up to, WW2 is forever and can not be denied. It is not yours, or ours, to erase, rewrite, tear down or deny !

The society we have today is the child of the past and it is what it is so act accordingly.

S.S. Memorial Tapestry


Out of stock


The original of this tapestry will in all likelihood never be found; it was the memorial tapestry from the city of Dachau (not to be confused with the famous concentration camp). In a quiet section of the 1,200-year-old town was a memorial to the  men who had been killed in the early street fighting against the ‘Red Front’ in the 30s and to the Waffen-SS soldiers who had laid down their lives for Führer and Fatherland in the 40s (Second World War). Designed by Professor Obersturmbannführer-SS Carl Diebitsch and created by master tapestry artist of the Third Reich Elsie Seifert. Behind stalwart iron gates was a precious tapestry so revered that it sat behind an alter flanked by swastika flags and typical  wall torches. Here, ceremonies were held both Christian and semi-Pagan to honour these brave men. The tapestry bore the legend “Eternal are the dead indeed.” (“Ewig ist der Toten Tatenruhm”). Above this legend is the figure of a German National Eagle whose total visage is completely  in its noble bearing. Then, all around the eagle are repetitive skulls and  runes. Its borders are decorated with oak leaves and acorns in vibrant colour and also there can be seen four Hagel runes and this symbol was widely used by the  for its symbolic representation of unshakable faith in the NS-SS belief. You will also see it on the Himmler Ehrenring (Death’s-head ring) worn by members of the  SS and also in SS wedding rings. In the four corners of the tapestry are the Iron Crosses to represent the supreme valour of the departed, honourable, fighting men. Nothing could have been considered more sacred than this tapestry other than the Blutfahne (Blood Flag) as carried in the Munich Putsch.

The workmanship is so good that another tapestry made by the same company ended up being offered for sale 3,500 Euros in a major European auction house whose staff thought it was authentic and from the N.S. “Braun Haus” in Munich Where this original tapestry is today no one knows among collectors and researchers. It is to be hoped it was smuggled away like the Blood Flag and hidden until needed again for “Der Tag”

This re-creation is BIG: 68 x 50 inches. The colours are fast and they are washable. All in all, these are a masterpiece of the weaver’s machine art. Here is your chance to own what can be considered a fitting tribute to true beauty perceived in cloth and dedicated to the hope of no more terrible ‘brother wars.

It was recreated from personal access to the family archives of Frau Elsie Siefert in the mid 1980s by one of our colleagues who made careful copies of the original designs and sketches and only now with new technology is this able to be re-created in all its detail.

Our gallery shows some period photographs of the original in situ and close ups of our faithful recreation.

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