Germanic Community
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The history of the Germanic peoples began when a myth emerged from the folk earth of Germanic blood.
We do not know where the start of this myth is to be found. The mighty colossus of the Roman Imperium only let the Germanic speak after a significant period of development had already passed. Archeological diggings, and even more so the Germanic heroic songs and sagas passed down to this very day, report it to us. Even though the monuments of this decisive period lie in the half dark of prehistory, they are no less important to us for that reason. The seed for the later develop of romanticism, the gothic, renaissance and baroque was not planted in Rome; it was conceived and born by the creative energies of the ancient Germanic world: peasantry and nobility,
Romanticism, the gothic, renaissance and baroque were all born out of the same feeling for space and time, becoming and passing, soul and personality. The rounded arch and the pointed arch have grown from the same soil, determined by the same blood, born from the same yearning. Renaissance and baroque are in their deepest essence anything but “ancient”. They are an unshakeable attempt to come closer to the Germanic soul by the detour of the ancient. The builder of the Strassburg cathedral as well as Michelangelo find themselves on the same path of becoming, struggling and tragic death. How divergent was it to trace back our Germanic culture to the already corrupt ancient world! There is no really Roman church in Germanic Europe! There was at most a Roman church that did not penetrate any farther into Europe than the people of the same name. They tried fanatically and systematically to destroy the “Germanic myth”. Wars of faith, burning of heretics, persecution of artists and scholars of Germanic faith! Those were their methods. However, those attacks remained in vain as long as the Germanic folk remained firmly rooted in blood and soil. For the myth of becoming, of storming and pushing, the blessedness of an impossible yearning, for infinity and eternity, can only have its primal source in the living, in blood and soil.
Rootedness in blood and soil, there are the actual foundations of Germanic strength. It is an unwritten law of history that the Germanic myth remains alive as long as the primal Germanic elements, nobility and peasantry, are firmed bound to the homeland soil. We view the soil-bound craftsman and worker and the honorable, homeland-conscious bourgeoise the same as the peasantry. Likewise, a racially-conscious, political soldierdom with the genuine will for discipline and purification is actually to be considered noble.
Peasantry and nobility are bound to the landscape and can only live if the balance in the nature is not disrupted. Let us think of the landscape of Southern Europe, where since the end of the ice age an original surplus of plants was gradually replaced by barrenness! In the course of the Egyptian, ancient, Arabian and Roman culture the climate of the Mediterranean underwent a transformation whereby the peasant had to switch a struggle against plants to one for plants; triumphing first against the primeval forest and then against the desert. Likewise, at the time of Hannibal the Sahara lay far to the south of Carthage; today it reaches into northern Spain and Italy. Even in France and England, the frivolity of liberalism has transformed blooming landscapers into steppes of civilization. In North America and Russia the process is no different. Inner Asia, Arabia and the barren steppe landscape of Mongolia have been transformed by the senseless rage of destruction of a few nomadic tribes from blooming landscapes into desolate stretches of land. Who considers that the ancestors of the today pitiful inhabitants of the upper Nile, the Egyptian pyramid builders, still portrayed forest and hunting scenes on their reliefs.
This does not mean that we are speaking for a restoration of the primeval condition. The present war demands quite the opposite, an ever more intensive mobilization of the economic and moral strength. Peasant, worker and soldier achieve things unprecedented in history. But this gigantic struggle of Germanic Europe for self-consciousness does not represent any imperialism under another sign. It is about cutting back the excesses of civilization, whose sphere of power is identical with Jewry and the aging west. Civilization, “progress”, will be pulled out of the orbit of flat materialism and rationalism and returned to the natural structure of Germanic culture. No devolution, rather manifestation and living development are the goal. We think of the Führer’s words: “Germany will be a peasant land, or it will not exist.” We think that even today in the middle of the war plans are worked out for the rejuvenation of the peasantry and the social reconstruction of the entire German folk. The Germanic Middle Ages are coming to an end. The models of a time of dogmatism and flat civilization pale. We know again of blood and soil, nobility and peasantry, myth and fate and of their decisive significance for Germanic man