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Welcome to the Third-Reich-Posters website where you will find an unrivalled selection of hard to find items.

The name is historical and goes back to when we solely sold posters relating to the Third Reich Era.

We have since developed way beyond this due to the expectations, needs and requests from our varied and worldwide customer base. The price of original period pieces is prohibitively expensive and the requirements for careful storage of them often mean they are unable to be displayed and that is where we are able to help with faithful reproductions or period pieces.

Our customer base includes, museums, military establishments, veterans, T.V prop departments, university libraries and private collectors who are looking for some extra context to add to their collection.

Our wide range of translated books gives the reader an insight into how and why the Third Reich was established and why things happened as they did.

Why do we sell Third Reich related items ? Well one major factor is that their is less competition. As sites such as Amazon and E Bay have banned such items from sale it has not lessened the demand for them and indeed it can be said by banning them they have made them more desirable and have created a larger cross section of interest in this specialist niche in the marketplace. The inability to purchase on these platforms has meant that people and institutions now come to us for these items. None of these items are intended, and nor do, they incite any form  of "hate" , "intolerance" or "violence". They are meant for academic and historical  study and if abused then that is due to the interpretation of the individual not the contents of the book. If you want to blame books and ban them from sale  then you had better start by banning the Tora, Koran and Bible all of whom have passages which could be said to incite hatred, misogyny, or intolerance in one form or another.

We do offer for sale a selection of Allied posters but as these are readily available elsewhere we do not see much demand for them, but we do still offer them for sale in the interests of diversity of opinion and balance. We did however have to stop selling the Churchill busts as in 5 years we sold 1 compared to over 100 comparable sized busts of Adolf Hitler, we do not stock what people do not wish to purchase.

We advance no political agenda other than freedom of thought and expression. If you dislike what we sell then feel free to take your business and political ideology, whether Red or Brown, elsewhere.

The history of, and leading up to, WW2 is forever and can not be denied. It is not yours, or ours, to erase, rewrite, tear down or deny !

The society we have today is the child of the past and it is what it is so act accordingly.



In stock (can be backordered)


Nur 1500 diese versilbert  Medaillons wurden in einem weltweiten Deutsche Release geprägt. Jedes versilbert Medaillon wird von Hand fertigen, Hochglanz (Blick auf die wichtigsten Foto, das zeigt die Reflexion unserer Kamera) zu geben.Die Vorderseite wird von einer historischen Postkarte, an anderer Stelle auf unserer Website erstellt, des Führers in seinen Kriegserfahrungen Staats-und einheitlich.Es ist umgeben von den Legand “Adolf Hitler ist die Zukunft” und”Die zukunft  gehört uns“geteilt durch ein Hakenkreuz auf beiden Seiten.”Die Rückseite trägt der Inschrift aus dem prophetischen letzte Testament des Führers, dass seine “Es ist notwendig, das ich für mein Volk sterbe , aber mein Geist wird aus dem Grab auferstehen, und die Welt wissen, dass ich Recht hatte” sind wir nicht an, diese wahr heute zu sehen in die politische Landschaft Europas?Die Kante wird verstärkt mit dem Wortlaut “Wir sind nicht die letzten von gestern, sonderen die ersten von morgen“, wurde verfasst von Münze Jordan, dem damaligen Führer der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung für das 1962 Cotswold Camp der Welt Union der Nationalsozialisten.  In der Mitte sind die Zahlen “18” für die AH ,Adolf Hitler und “88” steht für die HH in Heil Hitler.The reiche Symbolik auf diesem Medaillon spiegelt die unzerbrechlich links, die über Generationen hinweg von den Nationalsozialisten der Vergangenheit gefälscht die Nationalsozialisten von heute.Durch den gemeinsamen Kampf für die Weltanschauung von verbunden ist es eine Erinnerung an all die Dinge, die Nationalsozialisten hochhalten und eine motivierende Erinnerung sind wir in der Tat der “ersten von morgen”   40mm x 3mm

Only 1500 of these silver plated medallions were struck in a world-wide German language release.Each silver plated Medallion is finished by hand to give mirror finish(look on the main photo, which shows the reflection of our camera). The front is created from  an original period  postcard, available elsewhere on our site, the leader in his wartime state uniform State . “It is surrounded by the Legend”Adolf Hitler is the future”and”The future belongs to us”divided by a swastika on both sides.” The reverse  bears the inscription from the prophetic last testament of the Fuhrer, that “It is necessary that I die for my people, but my spirit will rise from the grave, and the world will know that I was right,” is this not true today when we see this in the current European political landscape? The edge is reinforced with the text “We are not the  last of yesterday, but the first of tomorrow”, this was written by Colin Jordan, the then leader of the National Socialist Movement at the 1962 Cotswold camp of the World Union of National Socialists.  In the Middle the number “18” stands for the initials AH, Adolf Hitler, and “88” stands for the HH of Heil Hitler. This medallion is rich in symbolism .It represents  the unbreakable links that have been forged from the National Socialists of the past to today’s National Socialists who continue to fight for our common world outlook across the globe.     40mm x 3mm

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